Saturday, July 30, 2016

I can't believe that it is almost time to return to Guatemala! After a hiatus last year (the calendar was full), we are back! This time it is Kareem's turn to join the group (he just turned 5 months). He already has his bottom 2 teeth, so maybe we'll be surprised by some teeth in Guatemala like his brother, or maybe we won't. I guess we'll just see when we get there!
Kareem being a ham

It will be difficult to leave Hakim--this is the first big trip without him for me--but I know that he and Othman will be livin' it up at home! I know we'll Skype and email, but there may be a few tears shed. :)
Hakim and Baba

I can't wait for this new group to experience the beauty of Guatemala! I love going back each year, and this year will be no different. It is such a welcoming place and Common Hope is such a wonderful partner to work with! Looking forward to seeing what the team members say about their time in Antigua. I'm also excited to have repeat chaperones this year. Sarah, Hannah, and Katrina already know the ropes and Lacy has been volunteering with Common Hope, so I think it will just make the trip that much more awesome!
2014 Guatemala Group #1

I'll post more when we arrive (or maybe en route, if I find the time). 7 more days!