Sunday, August 3, 2014

First day thoughts

This first day was very adventurous.  We actually arrived yesterday, but was quite travel fatigued, and today we got the chance to visit the weaving co-op and spent the afternoon in town at the market.
We were welcomed at the weaving co-op with warm hospitality, and one of the women that worked there (named Filomena) shared stories of her life, which I felt was very moving.  I felt she wanted us to appreciate what her and her friends went through to build her business, and I think the kids (and us adults) could relate and admired her for it.

Later in the day we went to the market.  This was a massive indoor/outdoor mall that had over 100 vendors selling souveniers, clothing, and various items.  Many of the shops were tiny and it seemed that all were family run, and competition was rather fierce - as I walked past nearly every shop I was chased down with offers of "great price for you" and the like.  It wasn't uncomfortable, it actually reminded me of fair carnival games, where vendors attract patrons by bold and humorous means.

Some final thoughts about my first impressions - As we walked through town and stopped here and there,  I was reminded that the average person in Antigua is not very tall.  I stand 6 feet one inch (not terribly tall by US standards) but I bumped my head a lot - buildings are small, doorways are low, and the sidewalks are very narrow.  Tomorrow we visit the school, and I'm looking forward to that.


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