Saturday, July 28, 2012

We are stuck in Houston :(

After a lengthy delay at the airport in Guatemala we missed out connection at the Houston airport and are kickin' it at the Red Roof Inn courtesy of United Airlines (after a long discussion with management who did finally do the right thing). We should be back in MN tomorrow afternoon. We are all safe and together and going to bed! Good night! From Lorene

The final goodbye By Delaney

I'm soooooooooo sad to say but I'm leaving in two hours!!!!! I wish that I could stay longer but I would miss dance and my family. When I get home I'm going to checkbfor lice and take a nice shower. I love going home but I hate airplanes!! I'll probably be playing on my I pod and going on the iPad. It's the final goodbye........ I LOVE YOU GUATEMALA!!!!!!!! goodbye FOREVAH!!!!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Hello world!!!!! By Delaney

Hello world, its a happy day here at the project!!!!! BABY MONKEY! BABY MONKEY!RIDING BACKWARDS ON A PIG BABY MONKEY!!!!!! that video is hilarious!!!!! I'm sad about us having to leave, but I'm glad to finally go home!!!!! But maybe I'll come back someday!!!!

New Hope and San Rafeael by Lorene

What a contrast between New Hope, a community built from the ground up with education as a foundation and sweat equity as a value to live by, and San Rafael, an indigenous community who is even more deeply, deeply impoverished and enmeshed in the web of tradition that hinders progress and generational uneducation. Both communities have dignity but just when we thought we had seen poor at New Hope, San Rafael took our breath away. The children in both communities were darling and welcoming and shy. It was a great privilege to be welcomed by all. To see homes billowing wood smoke that are literally made of dried corn husks with roofs of corrugated steel, stray dogs, dirt Americans do not understand this level of poverty. Quite an eye opening contrast, humbling to know the dignity of the people who maintain the church beautifully with fresh flowers daily. So much to think about.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Meeting Javier.

As we boarded the van to meet Javier ( the 6 year old child we are sponsoring) i was crazy with emotions. I have never sponsored a child before and was really excited. We parked at a coffee plantation which i thought was a little odd but we looked to the right and saw that there was a door next to it. I realized that it was there house. we walked in the door and immediately was welcomed by the family. His mom is a single mother raising 4 children ( a 4 year old, a 6 year old, a 14 year old and a 17 year old). Javier was super shy at first but at the last fifteen minutes he finally warmed up to us. he showed us his school notebooks, we took a tour of the coffee trees they lived on and played with there gifts. His little brother Yoni had a cold and had little rosy cheeks. Sadly his older brother left and we didn't get to talk to him that much. He absolutly loved the gifts and we found out that he loved cars and spiderman. i am really excited to see him and keep in touch!

more later

 Me and Javier with his new vikings shirt!
 The whole family!!
Playing jenga with everyone!!!
Today was so fun! I got up and went to the school in Antigua. Me and Beth worked with the 3 and 4 year olds first and 1st graders after. For snack time we played llevas (tag). We came back to the campus and ate lunch and then left to go to San Rafael. I got to see my sponsor child Karina and her family! It was fun to give them their gifts!!! Last night we could see the lava oozing out of the volcano!!! It was really cool!!!

Rachael :o)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Who loves Guatemala??????, I DO!!!!!!! By Delaney

I've had an amazing experience but it's already halfway past the trip!!!!! I could never forget this trip in a gazillion years!!!!!!!! There are a few bug bites here and there but, that can't beat what I've seen!!!!!! A Volcano has been erupting every night and we eat AMAZING food cooked by AMAZING chefs!!!!!! I wish I could have another week here!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My experience at Guatemala

One of my favorite parts about my experience Here in Guatemala is when we were playing a game called spit the sprite,spit the sprite is when you drink sprite and keep it in your mouth until you spit it all out of your mouth by laughing so hard so when we were playing that game Sarah would never laugh and spit out her sprite so then someone did something to make her laugh so hard that she spit out her sprite and she was laughing soooooooooo haaaarrrrd Jessica

Sponsorship visit and more!

What an amazing experience for Beth and me!  Today we met our student that we are sponsoring, Javier (6 years old), and his family and they were so kind and appreciative of our visit and sponsorship.  Javier's mom, Isabel, is a single mom raising four kids and we respect her so much for working so hard to raise her children and support their education, which in Guatemala is expensive and very difficult for low income families.  Thankfully our organization, Common Hope, provides financial support for education of low income children and empowers families to earn things that they need.

It was a really eye-opening experience for Beth and me to see Javier's home and the family coffee farm. The central courtyard is open-air and is surrounded by four small buildings where four families, four dogs and chickens live.  The family earns money by caring for the coffee farm and harvesting the coffee in December and January.  In the other months, Isabel cleans, does laundry or works in a factory for money.

On our visit, we spent our time talking in the courtyard and Javier was very shy until Isabel had him get his school notebook to share with us.  He was so proud and showed us his schoolwork and drawings.  Plus we found out that he loves the movies "Cars" and "Spiderman" which he has seen on TV.  Although we have no idea where he saw a TV.

Our family that we are sponsoring was so special to meet and we are excited to stay in touch with the whole family forever!

Art class in guatemala

Hi this is Olivia.My mom and Jessica and I went to an art class and worked with clay with an artist.He specialize in making clay birds.We made clay birds and we used clay molds.We meet their dog  SO Cute!!!!!! Jessica and I taught the first and second graders they were kind of crazy but fun.The volcanos here are so pretty.

Adios, Olivia

We met out sponsored goddaughter Sandy yesterday ...

Yesterday Delaney and I travelled to meet our 'goddaughter' Sandy (that is what they call our relationship when we sponsor them) in her own Home. We went with an interpreter who really helped to break the ice and her social worker.

 The whole family was home to welcome us. Mom, (Maria) was lovely and gracious, and we laughed about our daughters and all they have in common. The are truths that prevail through cultures, girls love puppies and animals, love to dance, like to read and NO boyfriend until 16! Sandy is a soft spoken, pretty petite girl of 12 who smiled all the time. She seemed nervous to meet us too, but once she saw the common threads with Delaney, they became "las hermanas de dos paizes" , sisters from two countries. She promised to work hard to stay in school and graduate secondaria (our high school) and will write us lots of letters. We will send them pictures of our visit and of snow (nieve).

 In each photo she was sure to stand by Delaney and she always leaned toward delaney for the picture. So sweet. In Guatemala physical touch is a sign of affection. We brought gifts for all in her family , including sister jennfer(7) and Edwin(3) and both parents. They appreciated all. It was fun to describe why the MN Twins are called this to them, they loved the baseball jersey. We got nail polish for all the girls, play dough for the younger two, hair accessories and lip gloss for the girls, scarves and chocolates for mom, and a barbie for the little sister. Lots to color and draw and write with too.

 As we left we all hugged and Maria is now mi amiga tambien. What a wonderful, rewarding visit! This family is positive, using the maximum benefit of programming form Common Hope and really trying to Better themselves with very hard work.

 Their home was clean but truly not much more than a cinder block room with corrugated steel for a roof, the oven outside on the back porch... They were lucky to have their own toilet and shower. They have a small plot of land in a fenced back area, maria is going to plant roses and herbs, she loves to cook. So much to process, but we had a positive and lovely connection with this family. We are Blessed in so many ways.

 More another time, Lorene Freehill

                                                 Sandy, Lorene and Delaney at Sandy's house

                                                       Las Hermanas Nuevas, the new sisters

 In the kitchen that leads outside, Yoli (social work), Delaney, Sandy, Maria, Lorene, Jennifer and Edwin Sr. 

                                   Delaney, Sandy ans Lorene

                                  Delaney met some new friends on the way home from Sandy's house.

Monday, July 23, 2012


Srta. Fimmen here, and we are having an AWESOME time! Everyone is smiling and enjoying taking in all of these new experiences. I can't even begin to explain how amazing it is to watch the kids interact, chat, play and become friends with the kids their own age from Guatemala. We saw this for the first time today at the school, Santa Catarina. I was fortunate enough to witness this today during 'refraccion', or recess/snack. I walked out to the group of girls, and they were teaching each other different games with a giant stretchy band. Turns out, they are the exact same game, just with different names! There are so many cool things happening here, and this is just one example. After school today, a group of us went to Don Francisco's house and learned all about Guatemalan Jade. First of all, this man is one of the coolest guys i've ever met! He welcomed us into his home and made us feel like family. He has worked with jade for 43 years! We each picked a piece of jade and learned how to sand, polish and drill a hole through the piece. So awesome!! These are just 2 of the amazing things happening here! I will write more, but for now, time for BED! Time for Beth too...!

My experience teaching. By beth

Today I started teaching at a school in Antigua Guatemala. I was paired up with Rachael and we watched as some of the children presented a lesson about obedience. They sang the national anthem which was 7 minutes long. Next they said there pledge of allegiance and we started the day. First me and Rachael went to a first grade classroom where we read a story and did a activity where the kids made a book with the sentences in the book the grouchy ladybug which was The book we read. After that I played liga which is a form of chinese jumprope. We taught the other girls who were playing ligas with us chinese jumprope. Also I played lleva with the little kids which is like tag. Next we went to a class of prepa. In the U.S.A that is the equivalent grade of kindergarden. There were really cute but super wild. We played Simon says which kinda failed but everyone loved the story. We did the same book, the same activity and hade a lot of fun. Finally me and Ben played with the little kids and chased them while playing lleva. Later that day I had a cool experience. I went on a social worker visit with my mom and a social worker. We rode a chicken bus ( a bus that is really full so it's liked we are paled in like chickens, there are no chickens on the bus) to get to the people's homes. We visited 5 houses but only got to talk to three families. It was a very fun experience and I am really excited to teach tomorrow!! Hasta luego!! -Beth

A Day In The Life...

Today a small group of us visited a gentleman at his home where he creates beautiful jewelry and other art pieces from jade. He and two of his friends collect jade from government owned land (he has a permit to do this). Frequently they run into drug lords - so many times these are very dangerous trips. He allowed each of us to pick a piece of jade and create a piece of jewelry on our own. All of us had a great time working the grinders and polishers. He will be putting the finishing touches on our pieces tonight and delivering them tomorrow...can't wait to see how they turn out. I feel honored that he allowed us into his home to share his amazing talent with us.
One last thing....Rachael and Jasmine were very excited to finally see a dog they could pet! :) I guess I should tell you - there are many dogs that wander the streets here and they have been told not to give them any attention as most have fleas and aren't very healthy. 

Weaving Cooperative and Jade Day in the Life Trip by Karen

Yesterday we went to a Weaving Cooperative run by 15 indigenous women. They were truly amazing! They started the Cooperative 25 years ago. They shared the truly amazing story of how hard they worked and how much they had to over come to get the cooperative started. The cooperative has allowed the women to provide an education for their children and other students in town. In Guatemala, to attend school, the students are required to have a uniform and provide their own school supplies. The women make these beautiful, original weavings. They sell them and use the money to buy school supplies for the school so many of the town children can go to school. In one generation, a family went from illiteracy to two daughters graduating from high school and becoming teachers. It truly touched our hearts. We all purchase their beautiful weavings which we look forward to sharing with our families when we get home. Last night we enjoyed a wonderful dinner in town. We were seated outside and our dinner was interrupted by a downpour! It simply added to the adventure. This morning, bright and early, found both students and Mom's on the way to school. The children had an unbelievable experience. Hopefully, some of them will blog about it. I will not forgot the energy and joy they returned from school with today!  It touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes.  I found myself at adult Spanish Immersion School with the other Mom's. We all had our own instructor. My instructor was wonderful. She started out at a very beginning level that was just right for me. I will say after my four hour lesson, I had definitely learned some Spanish that I have been using today and my head was extremely full and it hurt! I do look forward to returning tomorrow. In the afternoon, I had the wonderful opportunity to go with a small group on a "In the Day of the Life" experience. We went to visit a man's home that collects jade in the surrounding mountains and makes it into jewelry. He and his wife were very gracious hosts. We were treated like family. The approach to their home was a beautiful, lush garden. We learned much about jade from him and he gave us each the opportunity make a jade pendant of our own. He had stones for us to choose from. He told us we would know the stone that was right for us because of the way it looked and the way it touched our heart. He was right! Everyone made amazing pieces that we will be able to show family and friends when we return home. The trip thus far has been awesome!!!!! It keeps getting better every day.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hi by Delaney

Hi, I'm soooooooooo happy to be here in Guatemala!!!!!! I also want to thank Srta.Asuquo and Srta.Fimmen for taking all of us on this trip!!!!! I'm soooooooooo excited for this whole upcoming week!!!!!! I love exclamation points as you can see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The rest of the week, HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!!!! I also just wanted to say hi, HI!!!!!!!!

Women's weaving cooperative by Lorene

Today we visited an amazing, inspirational group of women who 25 years ago defied the male dominated society and pushed to educate themselves to make better lives for their families. As they shared their stories and traditions I and many of the moms cried. We know whatt it is to sacrifice for your children, we appreciated their struggles deeply. We bought beautiful colorful textiles and shared a traditional meal with them. We got to try Chris's 'coconut deliciousness' yummy! And got caught ion quite a storm during our lunch outdoors, but it all added to the adventure. We got to barter in the market, Delaney cut a great deal on a purse! We also attended mass at the cathedral...I understood some of it, but it was still lovely. Can't wait to meet our sponsored daughter tomorrow , they call us 'godparents', we have gifts for her and her family. I'm a little nervous to meet her, I hope we have lots to talk about since she is delaney's age.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

my adventure 2 guatemala! by Beth Part 1

Sitting on the plane i suddenly realized i was alone. Sitting next to my mom was getting kinda boring because she kept on going to sleep and there was a game of life calling my name. thinking fast, i asked Srta.Fimmen if we could switch spots, landing me in the perfect position. between Ben and jasmine. The game of life quickly pasted by and after we sued srta fimmen 7 times it was a close game between me and jasmine but i won in the end. 
More later... gdbye!

       -Beth Kutina is enjoying Guatemala and is excited to teach kids.

day 1 by ben

first i was really board but then we played life on jasmines iphone with Beth and Srita.Fimmen. Then we landed, but my ears woudent pop. i got a smoothy from jamba juice BUT i got delaney's order. Then we got on another plane to Guatemala but my ears still haden't popped. 2 hours later my ears finally popped and i watched "wrath of the titans" and I give it 1 star out of 10. then we finally landed in Guatemala. Two buses latter we were at the compound. it is soo big. so then i played, made a omlite, and made a poster fore the kids at he school.
                                                                                         till next time-
                                                                                              Ben G

The first day in Guatemala.

It all starts with the 2:30 AM wake up alarm. I wake up all energetic and talking to much, my mom was tired so I quoted her exact words that would be in her head. "Oh good, god child will you be quiet." of course I didn't. We got to the airport all tired almost falling out of the car, I said good bye and gave hugs to my dad. We were waiting in line to check in, that's when the fun begins. We got to the terminal all ready to go. We landed at Houston. Then got on to board the plane for Guatemala we played LIFE and I also toke obnoxious pictures of myself. Then after, a very nice man gave us a ride to Antigua. We had a tour and ate lunch then later at night lots of us started our posters for the kids. After all the fun we finally are getting ready for bed... but we are still up.

- Jasmine Klein

Thursday, July 19, 2012

2 days! (Well, more like 1 day)

As I started to pack my suitcase this evening it suddenly became a whole lot more real...we're actually going! My dream is actually coming true! I'm so excited and happy for this trip. I've spent this week connecting with family and friends (Thanks mom, dad, Jenny, Zim, Betsy, Nicole) before embarking on this journey. Right now I'm looking at the pile of things to bring and my suitcase doubtfully, but then I remember that I have a bit more space in the suitcases of a couple more of the group members, so I think everything will get down there just fine. (donations, books, project materials, prizes for our Olympic games, etc.)

Some of the items to bring down...

Today I was casually chatting with a co-worker at school and discovered that she and her husband actually sponsor a child at Nueva Esperanza! She had no idea I was going to be at the very place where her child lives! Since the group will be heading there this coming week, I am going to bring a letter and gift to their child. I cannot believe how small the world is!

Another interesting thing happened while I was checking out at the Dollar store in Eden Prairie today. I was chatting with the clerk and mentioned my trip to Guatemala as she rang up my purchases (there were quite a few!). A lady who was shopping overheard the conversation and was also asking me questions about the trip. After my purchases were scanned and I finished paying for them, I moved over to the next register to continue my conversation with the lady. I ended up talking about Common Hope, Águila de Esperanza, the trip in general, Eagle Heights, etc. The lady was really interested and wanted to know how she could get involved, or if there were a way for her family to get a similar experience. I told her about Common Hope and gave her a business card with the information written on the back. It was cool! Just then Carolina and her husband Scott showed up with their gift for their sponsored child. We stepped outside and chatted a bit more before heading back home. I really cannot believe how small this world is!

Ramadan Mubarak!
Though I am very excited to go on this journey, I will have an added challenge. For those of you who know me, I observe Ramadan fasting during this very special Muslim month. Though I am not Muslim, I have observed the fasting with my partner for the past 6 or 7 years. I'm interested to see how the fasting during daylight hours will affect the experience. I'm not sure yet if I will take advantage of the traveling exemption while I'm in Guatemala, and then make up the time at a later point after I've returned. It might be the way to go, or maybe not. I'll have to think on it, and think quickly, since the final countdown to takeoff begins tomorrow!
Othman and I celebrate 7 years together!

So tomorrow is the day to finish last minute errands, spend time with Othman, finish packing and relax before  getting to bed early in order to be at the airport by 3:30am on Saturday morning. Sheesh! However, all the tiredness in the world will still be worth it as I see the sleepy, yet excited faces on the kids and moms as we "queue up" to check bags, print boarding passes and start our adventure!


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

3 days to departure!

Just a few years ago I started with a dream. That dream was for students and their parents to learn about other people and other ways of life outside of the United states through a travel abroad experience. I wanted immersion students to use their Spanish to communicate with, interact with, and learn from other children and adults from another country and culture.

Nicole, Holly, Sarah, Chris: the Dream Team in Antigua, Guatemala in 2010

I didn't know then that I would be working with Common Hope to make this dream of mine come true in Antigua, Guatemala in 2012! The inaugural group is poised to take off Saturday, July 21, 2012. That's in only 3 days! This great group of 7 students (entering 7th grade in the fall) and their mothers will be joining me and Sarah on an adventure of a lifetime. I cannot wait to be back in Guatemala with all my friends that I have made there, as well as this terrific group of kids and moms, and of course, my great friend and co-leader, Sarah. Follow along as we post about our adventures in Antigua and beyond! Share with friends and family! Consider sponsoring a child, volunteering or learning more about Common Hope at their website: 

I hope that you enjoy living vicariously through our posts and pictures, and if it works out for your family, consider joining us on a future trip!

~Chris (a.k.a. Señorita Asuquo)

Chris and Sarah pose for the camera 
at Nueva Esperanza school, August 2010