Monday, July 23, 2012

Weaving Cooperative and Jade Day in the Life Trip by Karen

Yesterday we went to a Weaving Cooperative run by 15 indigenous women. They were truly amazing! They started the Cooperative 25 years ago. They shared the truly amazing story of how hard they worked and how much they had to over come to get the cooperative started. The cooperative has allowed the women to provide an education for their children and other students in town. In Guatemala, to attend school, the students are required to have a uniform and provide their own school supplies. The women make these beautiful, original weavings. They sell them and use the money to buy school supplies for the school so many of the town children can go to school. In one generation, a family went from illiteracy to two daughters graduating from high school and becoming teachers. It truly touched our hearts. We all purchase their beautiful weavings which we look forward to sharing with our families when we get home. Last night we enjoyed a wonderful dinner in town. We were seated outside and our dinner was interrupted by a downpour! It simply added to the adventure. This morning, bright and early, found both students and Mom's on the way to school. The children had an unbelievable experience. Hopefully, some of them will blog about it. I will not forgot the energy and joy they returned from school with today!  It touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes.  I found myself at adult Spanish Immersion School with the other Mom's. We all had our own instructor. My instructor was wonderful. She started out at a very beginning level that was just right for me. I will say after my four hour lesson, I had definitely learned some Spanish that I have been using today and my head was extremely full and it hurt! I do look forward to returning tomorrow. In the afternoon, I had the wonderful opportunity to go with a small group on a "In the Day of the Life" experience. We went to visit a man's home that collects jade in the surrounding mountains and makes it into jewelry. He and his wife were very gracious hosts. We were treated like family. The approach to their home was a beautiful, lush garden. We learned much about jade from him and he gave us each the opportunity make a jade pendant of our own. He had stones for us to choose from. He told us we would know the stone that was right for us because of the way it looked and the way it touched our heart. He was right! Everyone made amazing pieces that we will be able to show family and friends when we return home. The trip thus far has been awesome!!!!! It keeps getting better every day.

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