Thursday, July 19, 2012

2 days! (Well, more like 1 day)

As I started to pack my suitcase this evening it suddenly became a whole lot more real...we're actually going! My dream is actually coming true! I'm so excited and happy for this trip. I've spent this week connecting with family and friends (Thanks mom, dad, Jenny, Zim, Betsy, Nicole) before embarking on this journey. Right now I'm looking at the pile of things to bring and my suitcase doubtfully, but then I remember that I have a bit more space in the suitcases of a couple more of the group members, so I think everything will get down there just fine. (donations, books, project materials, prizes for our Olympic games, etc.)

Some of the items to bring down...

Today I was casually chatting with a co-worker at school and discovered that she and her husband actually sponsor a child at Nueva Esperanza! She had no idea I was going to be at the very place where her child lives! Since the group will be heading there this coming week, I am going to bring a letter and gift to their child. I cannot believe how small the world is!

Another interesting thing happened while I was checking out at the Dollar store in Eden Prairie today. I was chatting with the clerk and mentioned my trip to Guatemala as she rang up my purchases (there were quite a few!). A lady who was shopping overheard the conversation and was also asking me questions about the trip. After my purchases were scanned and I finished paying for them, I moved over to the next register to continue my conversation with the lady. I ended up talking about Common Hope, Águila de Esperanza, the trip in general, Eagle Heights, etc. The lady was really interested and wanted to know how she could get involved, or if there were a way for her family to get a similar experience. I told her about Common Hope and gave her a business card with the information written on the back. It was cool! Just then Carolina and her husband Scott showed up with their gift for their sponsored child. We stepped outside and chatted a bit more before heading back home. I really cannot believe how small this world is!

Ramadan Mubarak!
Though I am very excited to go on this journey, I will have an added challenge. For those of you who know me, I observe Ramadan fasting during this very special Muslim month. Though I am not Muslim, I have observed the fasting with my partner for the past 6 or 7 years. I'm interested to see how the fasting during daylight hours will affect the experience. I'm not sure yet if I will take advantage of the traveling exemption while I'm in Guatemala, and then make up the time at a later point after I've returned. It might be the way to go, or maybe not. I'll have to think on it, and think quickly, since the final countdown to takeoff begins tomorrow!
Othman and I celebrate 7 years together!

So tomorrow is the day to finish last minute errands, spend time with Othman, finish packing and relax before  getting to bed early in order to be at the airport by 3:30am on Saturday morning. Sheesh! However, all the tiredness in the world will still be worth it as I see the sleepy, yet excited faces on the kids and moms as we "queue up" to check bags, print boarding passes and start our adventure!


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