Monday, August 12, 2013

A day in Guatemala (Erik Duxstad)

Today was Lunes. It was our first weekday. Right now I'm writing this sitting on a couch in our common room, in the Common Hope Campus. I have already had dinner, and everyone is either having diner or hanging out. It's already dark here as we are closer to the equator. Now that we are done with the day, things are getting a little calmer. I say calmer because today was a little chaotic. It was a first for most of the activities, and my first teaching experience. We will be teaching every day this week, so there will be more times for me to rip my hair out, wondering why I wanted to do this in the first place. But it's really not that bad. At least, I don't think so. While we where teaching, our parents where having one on one sessions with Spanish teachers. I for one, want my mom's teacher to give her lots of homework. Like, enough for the next 6 years. (Not Really) After that we came back to the campus, had lunch, then later we had a tour of the campus, and tonight we had a artisan market, where you could buy arts, jewelry, and coffee. Then there was dinner. And then there was me writing this on my . . . Oh, wait, that's up to date.

- Erik :-)

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