Monday, August 12, 2013

Abbys Blog From day 3

Today was teaching day. Each girl was paired up with a boy for a teaching partner with an exception of two girls. The groups were Mantha Kryzer an Jack Newell, Me and Erik Duxstad, Braden Ross and Ryan Marriott, Kiersten Lugar and Nick Duxstad and Callista Potvin with Maren Frost. We each got assigned to two grades ours was 5 and 2. For grades preschool-1 grade the book was brown bear brown bear. For 2 grade and 3 grade we read the grumpy ladybug. For 4 and 5 graders we read if you give a mouse a cookie. And for 6 graders they got to make a paper quilt of what they want to be when they grow up. With each of those books we had an activity planned as well. So while our parents went to get taught Spanish, we took a van to the school and taught. When we got there they had a cultural reunion which they have once a month and they showed a bunch of dances and bunch of older kids wrote poems about their flag. Then we went into the classes and taught. It would probably take me 14 blogs to write my total experience so all I will say is that the 5 graders were more
independent and not that talkative and the 2 graders loved our games. Then we went back. Now were having a market with 5 people selling stuff right outside our rooms. Cant wait for tomorrow!!!

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