Thursday, August 15, 2013

KIersten and Nancy's social work visit

Kiersten and I went on our social work visit today.  Even after having spent the last three days working on my Spanish skills, I will have to admit that I listened without much understanding.  I was proud of Kiersten though.  Even though she understood most of what was transpiring, she managed to keep her face from showing that she was shocked, confused, or whatever she was feeling at the time.   The two families we saw were probably in a fairly good position compared with others we could have visited;  they each had their challenges though.
In the first family, the mom had recently lost her job, the oldest child was using drugs and had entered a drug rehabilitation facility of some sort, and another child was struggling in school.  The mom seemed to have an amazing attitude though.  She didn't have money to pay her rent, but she found that since she wasn't working she could take her child to the homework help sessions now that she was home in the afternoon.
The second family had three children.  Two were in school and doing quite well.  It was easy to see how proud the mom was of her kids.  She had her daughter bring her report card out to show the social worker and pretty much beamed at her as they showed it off.  The youngest child, probably about 2 years old, was struggling with allergies.  He was allergic to pretty much every animal (and the neighbors had multiple dogs and chickens so he couldn't go outside to play), shampoo, and dairy.  He also seemed to be having a reaction to something else that she needed to take him in to the clinic to get checked out....maybe another allergy. 

For these families, and many like them here in Guatemala, this is just life.  So very different from what we see in our day to day life in Minnesota.  And yet it so many ways the people here are very much like us.  We've seen the hard work they put in every day, the dedication to their work, and the pride they take in their work and families.  It's been a lot to take in....

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