Monday, August 12, 2013

Mantha Kryzer day 3

Today we went to school in a completely perspective. Who knew being a  teacher could take so much planning and switching and explaining. Me and Jack Newell taught 1st graders and 6th graders. I as more of a fan of the 1st graders because they acted more excited and there activity didnt take as long but they needed more help but you know there little. Jack liked the 6th graders more because i think he can connect with the kids more if there older or the same age. I feel kind of weird teaching kids your age or older than me. I am wondering how Tuesday is going to go because they said that Tuesdays are more chaotic. After school we came back then we got a tour of the WHOLE place, it started to rain.....A LOT. Then we played some games of cards but we had to stop because people were going wacko. There was a market in the common hope area and i got a knitted scarf because i have to many scarfs for fashion. Then i came upstairs and started blogging. me and Kiersten are deciding to make a blog so we can blog about Guatemala and life after Guatemala how school is going and make awesome videos too. I think we should make it in Guatemala though because then we dont have to think that hard to remember what we did every day. Abby just told me that the dinner tonight is Chicken and Rice which the rice sounds good but the chicken not so much. I am going to ask Kiersten when she wants to start the blog and if she wants to start it today then we should ask permission to do it on someones computer or I-Pad. There are now new people so this place is now more crowded and people are sitting in OUR sitting area. Its also way louder, I mean they think were loud i cant wait to see there expression when they figure out that the neighbors are making all the noise. Ya we always get yelled at for being loud and reality is we arent being that loud its just then cafeteria is echos so they think we are being really loud. Our fvorite card games so far are peanut butter which is when you have to go in order of number and you can lie because the cards are facing down and if someone says peanut butter then that person who lied has to take the pile of cards but if the person who said peanut butter got it wrong they have to take the pile of cards. Then there is a game called Kemps, the point of the game is to try to get a pair of 4 and you and they person across from you have to think of a signal to do to make your partner to say kemps but if another person calls kemps before your partner does then it doesnt count.
well ill try to keep on blogging every day and if me and Kiersten make a blog then ill tell you guys.

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